Trilogy of Colors-Chi Kuo-Chang Photo Image Art Exhibition
1994年初夏紀國章自巴黎回台推出色彩創作三部曲之「色彩符號」首部曲,他運用攝影媒材所創作的抽象攝影表現彷彿油畫質感以及濃厚色彩的視覺呈現,在當年引起巴黎與台灣兩地藝術界的注意與報導。1997年盛夏,紀國章受邀在第28屆法國阿爾國際攝影節(Les Rencontres Internationale de la Photographie d’Arles 1997)展出三部曲之「黑白律動」影像創作系列,這是當時近20年來,首度有台灣的攝影家獲邀參加此全球最重要盛大的阿爾國際攝影節。
Trilogy of Colors-Chi Kuo-Chang Photo Image Art Exhibition
Chi Kuo-Chang grew up in Hualien and studied overseas in Paris, France between 1990 and 1993. He received a master’s degree from the Université National de Paris 8 第八大學 in Visual Image Art 視覺影像藝術, received the Outstanding Excellent Artist Award from UNSECO, and was recognized as an outstanding artist-in-residence by the city of Paris. In addition, he also taught at the Ecole Superieure de la Photographie de Paris巴黎高等攝影學院 and the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de France法國國立藝術學院,Before going overseas to study, Chi worked as a photojournalist at the United Evening News for almost two years, and received the Taiwan’s top news photographer award in 1988, as well as the 29th annual Chinese Culture Award in the category of art photography. 中國文藝獎章藝術攝影獎。
In 1994 Chi Kuo-Chang returned to Taiwan and presented the first piece in Trilogy of Color, called “Symbols of Colors” He used images to create an abstract image that looked like an oil painting, with a thick, rich feeling. The work received considerable attention and press coverage in both Taiwan and Paris at the time. In the middle of the summer of 1997, Chi Kuo-Chang was invited to attend the 28th annual International Photography Festival in Arles(France), where he presented his Black and White Rhythm(La fleur Mourante) trilogy of art works, and marking the first time in the past 20 years that a Taiwanese artist has been invited to attend this prestigious event。
After returning to Taiwan, Chi could sense the indifference and lack of respect that the Taiwanese public had for photography, and could sense the approaching challenge from digital photography. He began to question whether the skills and techniques that he had worked so hard to develop would be rendered meaningless by new digital photography techniques, and wondered if he could preserve the special characteristics of art photography in his works。
Chi looked for the spark of creativity inside himself, and tried to combine traditional and digital photography techniques in order to create a new photographic language and visual aesthetic. He used everyday scenery as his subject and, using the camera lens as his brush and life as his canvas, pressed the shutter of his soul。
Going beyond the common conception of artistic photography as a realistic representation of the subject, Chi created artwork that was full of life. This exhibit at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum contains Chi ’s series Trilogy of Colosr。
Chi, who has a childlike curiosity about everything in life, says that in Trilogy of Color , every image represents a stage of his life, and is like a window into his imagination, his inner world, a mirror that reflects his memories. Using the camera, he captures the force of his spirit, and expresses the desire and hopes of an artist. Chi says that if he didn’t work as an artist, there would be a valley in his soul, with no bridge leading away, because for him, there is nothing that can replace the power of art。
展出地點:台北市立美術館Gallery E(B02室)
Taipei Fine Arts Museum(No.181Chungshan North Road , Sec.3,Taipei)
展出時間:2005年4月23日至6月12日 (23/04/2005~12/06/2005)
※PS:與藝術家紀國章Mr.Chi Kuo-chang 聯絡方式:0933-210-371,thomaschi2007@gmail.com ,